Saturday 26 October 2013

Letter From Phyllis

My Nana (Marina) kept a letter that her mum (Phyllis) wrote to her dad (John) in 1941. At this time he was away in the Isle of Wight - we believe as some sort of Army reservist or Home Guard, although we do know he was only away for a few months and never saw battle during the War.

That this letter, wrote in pencil, is still (mostly) legible and is still in one piece (although fragile!) is a true wonder. And I now proudly and cautiously have the original. Which I have scanned to keep a digital copy and wrote out most of what it says.

From what I understand, where Phyllis writes about making 'collections', Her husband John Cutty who was away ran some sort of solicitors/insurance business which Phyllis continued while he was away - and she writes most diligently about the up-keep of the business.

Anyway, I have scanned them (4 pages in all) here they are:
(See below for the translations - some words are unclear so apologies for the '?'s)

The letter reads:

Thursday October 2nd

22 Hawthorn Crescent
Quarrington Hill

My Dearest Boy,

I received your letter this morning and read it while going up to Wheatley Hill to pa in with my collection of £19.18.9 what do you think of it. I saw Paddy this morning that is only the third time I have seen him since you went away. I have never been in his private room yet, Aaron says I had better keep out of his private room or else he will write and tell you.

You know what he is ? ? I must say he has ? Himself a real ? These last weeks. He comes down when there is a warning to see if we are alright but as you know I am not scared I put my trust in god.

Mr Hawbridge at Cassop has been discharged from the army with pains in his arms he says when you get discharged you get a months army allowance that is to say I get 38/- a week from the army I would still get it for a month, also your money, you also get £2.3.0 clothes money isse and ration coupons for a month the ? they give you a month to get a job. Mr Hawbridge was telling me all this this morning do I humour it as true.

As you thought Jacky did not look very well. Well he is full of cold. He had a little sty on his eye on Sunday night when he came back from Barnard Castle. I bathed it and put some eye ointment on and on Monday it was a lot better. When he was playing on the green in front of our house on monday night a boy twice his age hit him right on it, it was swollen 3 times the size. He has had a (Lovely?) eye since, but I am glad to say it seems a lot better this morning.

You need not think I am (ill?) or anything it is the truth I am telling you. When you look at my collection this week you will see that I got back in the house by 6:30 every friday night. I had to go to Mr Jones at ? Hall on tuesday so I just walked on over the bank top past Quarrington Hill church I had finished all my collecting for the week by 3:30 Tuesday. I still got ? Slightly but nothing to talk about. Connie thinks she has never seen me look so fat in the face as I am now but my body is certainly slimmer that is with walking so much.

I will be very disappointed if you dont keep me a photo I dont care if its bad please keep me one Jack.

Our Jacky says his daddy looks better than anybody he has seen. He could eat his dinner on sunday when he knew he was going to see you. I was glad when they got back which was in the 10 past 9 bus because your Auntie Bella was staying with me and she was talking away to herself nearly all the time it made me feel quite (nervy?) it is a pity poor soul. I paid Mrs ? £3.6.0 in his claim. I had to keep 2/6 out to make the years premiums and she gave me 2/- and said I had to buy you something with it. A bit different to Mrs Coalies at Bowburn when I paid £30.1.6 and she never even thanked me. I am sending you these cigs and blades for hear you might want them, if the verdict is what I hope you can always bring them back. The 5/8half you left in your black waist coat is waiting for you when you come home. God bless you and send you soon home to me.

I have had 3 periods in 6 weeks. I dont know what to make of it, it is perhaps with having ? ? so bad. I am eating alright and sleeping so that is something. Please dont forget about the photo, you know you laughed at the one of me and edward. Please let me know about the verdict as soon as even you get to know.

Your loving wife Phyllis

? ? Marina is asking me to let her write her name so here it is

((Marina to daddy))
(( xxx xxx ))
(( xx ))

Thursday 24 October 2013

Parsons Family Tree done on

So I've tried a few ways of representing the family tree, the long and short of it is without a MASSIVE piece of paper the size of a house there's no way I'll fit in every one. so, most of the info I do have saved to my account - pretty sure if you are a member (even a non-paying member) you can view some of the tree I have created.

So here are some pice of the tree, starting with me and going a few generations straight back with birth/death and some marriage/location info on it.

So this one starts at me (Linzi Parsons) and goes 4 generations back
However, this one starts with my grandad on the Parsons line Alfred Parsons, and goes back 4 generations in a little more detail - for anyone related to any of Alfred Parsons' siblings then this is also how your family tree line goes back.

My grandad's Siblings were:

Alice (Ally)
John James (Jack)

Saturday 19 October 2013

Trackin my family name 'Parsons'

So I've done a lot of digging on ancestry/census's etc. and I've tracked back my actual family name 'parsons' as a direct line to 1713! (I find this quite impressive!) I have done branches, parents of the wives/children etc. as well but tis so hard to this it just a direct route backwards. I've been wanting to post this for a while, but wasn't sure how to make it 'make sense' and a recent discovery of a relative on facebook inspired me to jump back on the horse (so-to-speak!) and get this done before I loose all the info!

Alfred Parsons - Married Marina Cutty 1937 - living
1937 - living
Thomas Parsons - Married Ivy Stanley 1904 - 1970
1901 - 1975
James Parsons - Married Alice Harriet Coley 1875 - 1950
1869 - 1922
James Parsons - Married Phoebe Whitehouse 1807 - ?
1839 - 1911
Henry Parsons - Married Hannah Harper 1804 - 1885
1806 - 1855
Henry Parsons - Married Phoebe Hampton 1784 - ?
1779 - 1859
Henry Littley Parsons - Married Sarah Henley 1757 - ?
1756 - ?
Henry Littley Parsons - Married Ann (maiden name unknown) 1713 -
1713 - 1785

Obviously as we get further back finding death certificates and maiden names becomes rather tricky!

The most interesting thing I have discovered is that the Parsons line were from Staffordshire. Up until the late 1800's they were all living in Staffordshire. At some point in his life James Parsons (1869 - 1922) Married Alice Harriet Coley (who was also born in Staffordshire) and they moved up to Easington. - Only the more recent generations have lived in the North East.

Monday 25 March 2013

Gen 4 Rayner Factsheet

John Rayner

Born: 1903
Died: 1974

Location in 1911 census living in Thornley aged 8

Married Mary Ellen Gott in 1931

Gen 4 Gott Factsheet

Mary Ellen Gott

Born: 1910
Died: 1979

Married John Rayner in 1931

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Gen 4 Murray Factsheet

Great Grandfather on the Murray line

James Murray

Born. 20.12.1899 (in Scotland?) - tbc
Died 1.10.1948 in Durham

Buried in Shotton Cemetery - No Gravestone present

1901 Census - location tbc
1911 Census - location tbc

Married Margaret Ann Smith in 1923 Aged 23

Gen 4 Smith Factsheet

Information of my Great Grandmother on the Smith line.

It is true that every family tree will undoubtedly link into the name 'Smith' at some point. This is the first instance I encounter the name 'Smith but also find it in 2 other places in my family tree.

The name 'Smith' makes tracing lineage incredibly difficult as it is such a common name and very difficult to track with accuracy.

Margaret Ann Smith

Margaret Ann Smith, here believed to be photo'd just before
her marriage to James Murray

Born. 21.11.1904 - Location tbc
Died. 30.12.1969 in Durham

1911 Census location tbc

Married to Jamey Murray in 1923, Aged 18

James and Margaret had 4 children 'officially'

However it was later revealed that Margaret was not the daughter of Margaret Ann and James but was actually their GrandDaughter and Annie had given birth to Margaret but they were all raised as siblings.

Margaret Ann (Centre) and her daughters Dorothy (Left) And Annie (Right)
Photo c.1964 taken in Thornley outside the prefab's

Margartet Ann and her Grand-Daughter Dorothy (Daughter of Dorothy)
Taken c.1965 In Thornley outside the prefab's.

Gen 4 Stanley Factsheet

My Great-Grandmother on the Stanley Line.

Ivy Stanley

Born: 3.2.1904 in Northumberland
Died: Mar 1970 In Hartlepool Hospital
Cremated in Durham Crematorium - Location of Ashes unknown

Location on 1911 census not yet confirmed

Married Thomas Parsons in 1920 Aged 16

Thomas and Ivy had 11 children who survived including 2 sets of twins.
DOB's of children tbc

John James (aka.Jack)
Alfred **

** Alfred was the youngest of the siblings, born in 1937 and is my Grandfather and direct link to this extended section of family tree

Gen 4 Parsons Factsheet

My Great Grandfather on the Parsons Line

Thomas Parsons

Born: 12.10.1901 in Durham
Died: Dec 1975 in (Hartlepool?) - tbc
Cremated in Durham Crematorium, location of ashes - unknown

In 1911 Census Age 9 living with family in Spennymoor

Married Ivy Stanley in 1920 aged 18

Thomas and Ivy had 11 children which survived, including 2 sets of twins.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Gen 4 Peacock Factsheet

Factsheet of my Great-Grandmother on the Peacock line.

Phyllis Maud Peacock

Phyllis Maud Peacock, photo c.1950's
Hanging washing in the back yard of the
house in Hawthorne Crescent, Quarrington Hill

Born.1908 in Kelloe, Durham
Died: 23.12.1965 in Durham
Buried in Quarrington Hill cemetery and the Grave is still there.
In the 1911 census is seen age 3 living with family in Kelloe, Durham
Married John Cutty in 1930

Grave of Phyllis Maud Peacock in Quarrington Hill Cemetery

Lived her married life in Hawthorn Crescent, Quarrington Hill where she had 3 children that survived (it is highly suspected among my living grandparents that there were other children that were still born/died in early childhood but no conclusive proof has yet been discovered)

Children Born to Phyllis and John:
Jackie Cutty B.1931
Marina Cutty B.1937
Derek Cutty B.1943

Gen 4 Cutty Factsheet

The Cutty-Peacock section of my family tree, this is my 'fact sheet' on 2 of my Great-Grandparents.

John Cutty

John Cutty, photo c.1950's
In the doorway of his house in Hawthorn Crescent
Quarrington Hill

Born: 1905 in Durham
Died: 1968 in Durham
Buried in Quarrington Hill Cemetery - and the grave is still there.
In the 1911 Census he is Age 6 and living with his family in Wingate, Durham
Married Phyllis Maud Peacock in 1930

Grave of John Cutty - present day
In Quarrington Hill Cemetery

Lived his married life in Hawthorn Crescent, Quarrington Hill where he had 3 children

Children Born to Phyllis and John:
Jackie Cutty B.1931
Marina Cutty B.1937
Derek Cutty B.1943


4 Generations back

Jumping back 4 generations and I'm already up to 8 Great Grandparents, I am glad to say I am reasonably knowledgeable about this generation and am looking to do myself little fact sheets on each of them. I will try and have this overview make as much sense as possible!

Me - Parents - Grandparents - Great Grandparents
(1)        (2)            (4)                       (8)

Linzi Parsons
Garry Parsons
Alfred Parsons
Thomas Parsons
1901 - 1975

Ivy Stanley
1904 - 1970

Marina Cutty
John Cutty
1905 - 1968

Phyllis Maud Peacock
1908 - 1965

Sheryl Rayner
Cuthbert William Rayner
John Rayner
1903 - 1965

Mary Ellen Gott
1910 - 1979

Dorothy Murray
1947 - 2011
James Murray
1899 - 1948

Margaret Ann Smith
1904 - 1969

Monday 11 March 2013

Its amazing how many surnames we could have

Going back 5 generations in a straight lineage it took 32 people just to make me, the possibilities of the surnames I could've ended up with is insane going back not far at all...and that's of the ones I know, there are some names missing!
