Wednesday 22 October 2014

Parsons line

So, this is the 'Parsons' name and how it reached little old me.

Henry Parsons (1779 -1859 - Staffordshire) - Married Phoebe Hampton (1784 - ? Staffordshire)

their son

Henry Parsons (1806 - 1955 - Staffordshire) - Married Hannah Harper (1804 - 1855 Staffordshire)

their son

James Parsons (Born in Staffordshire 1839, died in Durham 1911) - Married Phoebe Whitehouse (born in Staffordshire 1838 Died in Durham 1885)

their son

James Parsons (Born in Staffordshire 1869, Died in Easington 1922) Married Alice Harriet Coley (1875 - 1950 Durham - buried in Wheatley Hill Cemetery) ((No Gravestone))

their son

Thomas Parsons (1901 - 1975, Durham) married Ivy Stanley (1904 - 1970, Durham)

their son

Alfred Parsons (B.1938) married Marina Cutty (B.1937)

their son

Garry Parsons (B.1964) married Sheryl Rayner (B.1966)

giving birth to ME (Linzi) and my sister (Katy)